What is driving your life? There are two important aspects of a journey: the quality of the driver and knowledge of the route to the destination point. I’m sure we all can agree how nervous we are if we are traveling and later begin to suspect the driver is not mentally stable or does not…
All people on earth today have one thing in common. One deep desire; one wish: we all want to be loved. No one wants to be rejected. No one wants to matter less and no one wants to be the bad guy. All of us dream of being loved unconditionally and accepted as we are….
We were created to blossom. It is not God’s desire that we live defeated, unfruitful, worried and always on edge. He has promised to beautify us with His salvation, and He commanded us to shine His light to the dying world. The fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22 is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness,…
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