What does our Freedom and Life Classes entail?
We offer various classes whose goals are to help people heal wounds and pain from their pasts that may have incapacitated them along their life’s journey.
These classes also help individuals renew their mind and get rid of thought distortions and thinking patterns that lead to darkened emotions and, consequently, negative behavioral patterns.
Below are the main classes offered.
1. Making Peace with Your Past
This class provides biblical and practical help for overcoming emotional and spiritual barriers to fellowship with God and man, leading you to experience forgiveness, healing, and hope.
2. Shelter from the Storm
This class helps and gives hope for survivors of sexual abuse. It is for those who are seeking and wanting to be healed of pain, shame and effects of the abuse.
3. Life Classes
We bring experts on various topics that share knowledge and wisdom in various life’s had topics.
4. Celebrate Recovery
Bloom Restoration Ministry network with various local churches that offer Celebrate Recover (CR). The purpose of CR is to encourage fellowship and to celebrate God’s healing power in the beatitude (Matthew 5:1-12) and in the 12 steps of recovery.
People are changed as they share their experiences with one another. Some of the areas of recovery include but are not limited to divorce, chemical addiction, dealing with anger, hurts, habits, hang ups, fear, sexual and physical abuse.
5. The Lies We Believe
The Class help us discover various lies we believe have formed our believe system and how they are damaging our lives, and what to do with them.
6. Battlefield of the Mind
The class equips individuals on how to find peace and stop the brain-storm of mental activity and see the truth by thinking correctly.